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In this five week series, the kids will be learning about the Miracles of Jesus. 

What is a Miracle?

Something so big that only God can do, and something so amazing sometimes science can't explain it.

We have a fun system with prizes and rewards as the kids learn and grow in their relationship with the Lord.


This series, we will give a prize to every child that collects all five science stickers.

Each sticker is given at church the week of their lesson. 


Our kids church curriculum is both fun and engaging. Children learn Bible principles and verses that correspond with a relevant lesson for their age group. 


You can help your child practice their monthly verse daily. Make it apart of your before school routine or your after dinner tasks. You can create dances or a trivia for the entire family to join in.  

At City of Dreams, we believe that the number one way God leads us and speaks to us through the Bible. 


We want to help instill the importance of the Bible to your precious children. We never want them to think of it as out-of-style or old-fashioned. To combat this worldly mindset, we show them practicable every day application so that they can experience the power of God now and throughout their entire life.

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